NEET 2023 Syllabus, Exam Pattern, and Important Tips
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    NEET 2023 Syllabus and Preparation Tips

    Jan 29 2023 | by Author Pathfinder

    Understanding the NEET 2023 syllabus in its entirety is extremely necessary for preparing for this important exam. More importantly, one of the keys to success is carefully planning what you are going to study. Plus, how you are going to organize your NEET 2023 preparation accordingly. Additionally, you can download the information brochure published on the NTA NEET website. But why wait? We have outlined the full NEET 2023 syllabus and exam pattern with tips to take the best kind of preparation.

    NEET 2023 Exam Pattern

    The most important thing that you need to know is the NEET exam pattern. A deep understanding of the pattern is crucial for cracking the exam. In the table below we are giving a detailed overview of the NEET 2023 exam pattern.

    Number of Questions200 questions (MCQs) – 180 to be answered
    Type of questionsObjective-type questions with 4 options – 1 correct answer
    Subjects              Physics, Chemistry, Botany & Zoology
    Physics QuestionsSection A (35 questions), Section B (15 questions, answer any 10) =45 questions
    Chemistry QuestionsSection A (35 questions), Section B (15 questions, answer any 10) =45 questions
    Botany QuestionsSection A (35 questions), Section B (15 questions, answer any 10) =45 questions
    Zoology QuestionsSection A (35 questions), Section B (15 questions, answer any 10) =45 questions
    Marking Scheme4 marks are awarded for each correct answer
    Negative Marking1 mark is deducted for each wrong answer
    The question paper comes in 13 languagesEnglish, Hindi, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Malayalam, Kannada, Marathi, Odia, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, and Punjabi.

    NEET 2023 Physics Syllabus for Class 11 & 12

    NEET 2023 Physics Class 11 Syllabus
    Physical world and measurement
    Laws of Motion
    Work, Energy, and Power
    Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body
    Properties of Bulk Matter
    Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory
    Oscillations and Waves

    NEET 2023 Physics Class 12 Syllabus
    Current Electricity
    Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
    Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
    Electromagnetic Waves
    Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
    Atoms and Nuclei
    Electronic Devices

    Let’s look at the Physics question structure:

    Physics QuestionsSection A (35 questions), Section B (15 questions, answer any 10) = 45 questions

    Physics Preparation Tips:

    1. It is always better to understand the concepts in which you are not sure or in doubt. Particularly, question-solving helps but not without having a strong grasp of the chapter you are solving. Likewise, if any kind of tricky question related to that particular chapter comes up, you can get in trouble.
    2. You also cannot spend too much time on the subject, you have to give equal attention to all subjects.
    3. Remember, do not treat Physics like Mathematics because of the various calculation of different chapters. Understand the concepts to better practice the formulae better.

    Important Chapters

    First, you need to give extra attention to these chapters,

    1. Mechanics
    2. Electrodynamics
    3. Modern Physics
    4. Heat and Thermodynamics
    5. Optics
    6. Simple Harmonic Motion
    7. Waves

    Best Books for NEET 2023 Physics Study

    These are the books you need to study for better NEET preparation,

    1. NCERT Physics Class XI & Class XII
    2. Concepts of Physics by H. C. Verma
    3. Objective Physics by DC Pandey
    4. Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick and Walker
    5. Fundamental Physics by Pradeep
    6. Problems in General Physics by IE Irodov
    7. Objective NCERT at Your Fingertips (Physics) by MTG
    NEET 2023 100% Scholarship

    NEET 2023 Chemistry Syllabus for Class 11 & 12

    NEET 2023 Chemistry Class 11 Syllabus
    Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
    Structure of Atom
    Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
    Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
    States of Matter: Gases and Liquids
    Redox Reactions
    s-Block Element (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals)
    Some p-Block Elements
    Organic Chemistry- Some Basic Principles and Techniques
    Environmental Chemistry

    NEET 2023 Chemistry Class 12 Syllabus
    Solid State
    Chemical Kinetics
    Surface Chemistry
    General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
    p- Block Elements
    d and f Block Elements
    Coordination Compounds
    Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
    Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
    Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
    Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
    Chemistry in Everyday Life

    Let’s look at the Chemistry question structure:

    Chemistry QuestionsSection A (35 questions), Section B (15 questions, answer any 10) = 45 questions

    Chemistry Preparation Tips:

    1. It is always good to strengthen your theory portion of the chemistry chapters. As it is seen many of the questions are theory based so read them carefully.
    2. For Organic chemistry which has 14 to 18 questions, for better success at the topic, understand the concepts. Isomerism and Effects chapter must be very important to complete. For Inorganic chemistry, it is better to study chemical bonding, p-block and coordination compounds at least. Because, you can expect 10 to 18 questions, so ignoring the topic will do you no good.
    3. Remember, practising the previous year’s question for chemistry will not help you as in NEET, the subject does not always follow a said pattern. For a general idea, it is fine if you practice but do not rely on it.

    Important Chapters for NEET

    First, you need to give extra attention to these chapters,

    1. Equilibrium
    2. Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
    3. Electrochemistry
    4. Chemical Kinetics
    5. Coordination Compounds
    6. Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
    7. S, P, D and F Block Elements
    8. Hydrocarbons
    9. Atomic structure

    Best Books for NEET 2023 Chemistry Study

    These are the books you need to study for better NEET preparation,

    1. Physical Chemistry by O P Tandon
    2. Oxford’s Organic Chemistry by Jonathan Clayden, Nick Greeves,
    3. Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J D Lee
    4. MTG’s Objective NCERT at your fingertips by MTG Editorial Board
    5. Modern’s ABC of Chemistry of Classes 11 and 12 (volumes 1 and 2) by S.P. Jauhar
    NEET 2023 Syllabus

    NEET 2023 Biology Syllabus for Class 11 & 12

    NEET 2023 Biology Class 11 Syllabus
    Diversity in Living World
    Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants
    Cell Structure and Function
    Plant Physiology
    Human physiology

    NEET 2023 Biology Class 12 Syllabus
    Genetics and Evolution
    Biology and Human Welfare
    Biotechnology and Its Applications
    Ecology and environment

    Let’s look at the Biology question structure:

    Biology QuestionsSection A (35 questions), Section B (15 questions, answer any 10) =45 questions

    Biology Preparation Tips:

    As you may know, NEET Biology is divided into two topics, Botany and Zoology. Plus, each section carries i.e., sections A and B, 35 and 15 questions respectively. However, do remember that section B carries 10 questions so the total number of questions remains 90.

    1. NEET comprises both class 11 and 12 biology subjects, where 40-42 questions come from class 11. The other 48-50 remaining questions are from class 12, so prepare your studies accordingly. More importantly, you have to know which class syllabus you are confident about.
    2. About 68-70 questions are from NCERT books, so study the NCERT biology books thoroughly. Plus, 7-10 questions can be tackled if you solve the previous year’s questions. But remember, like told earlier, do not engage too much time behind problem-solving this question.
    3. The syllabus for biology is pretty vast and you need to have a deep understanding to navigate through it. The best way is to keep making notes when studying the chapters as later when revising the process will be a lot easy.

    Important Chapters for NEET Botany

    First, you need to give extra attention to these chapters,

    1. Animal Husbandry
    2. Evolution
    3. Animal Diversity
    4. Human Health and Diseases
    5. Human Reproduction
    6. Reproductive health
    7. Biotechnology
    8. Structural organization in animals
    9. Animal kingdom
    10. Biomolecules
    11. Plant physiology
    12. Cell and cell cycle
    13. Genetics Ecology
    14. Diversity of living organisms
    15. Human Physiology

    Important Chapters for NEET Zoology

    First, you need to give extra attention to these chapters,

    1. Plant Physiology
    2. Division and Cell Biology
    3. Ecology
    4. Plant Anatomy
    5. Bio-molecule
    6. Biology in Human Welfare
    7. Plant Diversity
    8. Plant Reproduction and Morphology
    9. Biotechnology
    10. Genetics

    Best Books for NEET 2023 Biology Study

    These are the books you need to study for better NEET preparation,

    1. NCERT Biology Class 11 Textbook
    2. NCERT Biology Class 12 Textbook
    3. Trueman’s Biology Vol 1 and 2
    4. Objective Biology by Dinesh
    5. Objective Biology by Ansari
    6. Pradeep Publication’s Biology
    7. Biology by GR Bathla Publications
    8. SC Verma Biology

    Preparation tips for the Candidates of NEET 2023

    1. Maintain a routine for your NEET studies i.e., set the timing of your studies for each subject throughout the day. Make a schedule for each topic over a month and follow it religiously.
    2. As mentioned earlier, maintain notes of each topic as this will come in handy. Particularly, when you are trying to find a particularly important portion of a chapter.
    3. Plus, you should also follow the NCERT books thoroughly because in most cases the examination tends to have common questions from the books.
    4. At the earlier stage of NEET preparation, you can always take important bits from different study materials and books. But, at a later stage follow one book that you are comfortable with.
    5. Practice the formulas from subjects like physics and chemical equations/formulas from chemistry. Having a great grip on this section will help you a ton in the exam. Of course, do not recite them blindly, understand the concept as any tricky question when can be faced with a solid foundation of the subjects.
    6. Do not ignore theory portions at any cost, having a crystal-clear understanding of the theories will only enhance the practical applications.
    7. Start maintaining tight time management when solving problems. Solving problems as fast is always beneficial to the aspirant as lingering on them can be extremely fatal.
    8. Last but not least, take the mock exam as much as you can, as practising your studies will only make you confident. Try to take the exam in places where it will emulate the atmosphere of the NEET exam hall. This will get rid of any nervousness you may have, which is great for incredible performance in the all-India NEET exam.


    1. How to retrieve a forgotten Application number?

    • Visit the NEET website and click ‘Forgot Application Number’. Enter the same information as your previous application like Candidate’s, Father’s, Mother’s Name, DOB, Categories and security PIN. Click submit and receive the application number on your registered phone number.

    2. How to reset a forgotten password?

    Visit the NEET website and click ‘Forgot Password’, choose any of the options

    • Using Security Question & the Answer you choose during Form filling.
    • A verification code will be sent via text message (SMS) to your Registered mobile number.
    • A reset link sent via email to your Registered email address.

    Click continue, and follow the instruction from there, you’ll be asked to type a new password, and this time do remember it.

    3. Is there an age criterion for NEET?

    • Yes, there is, the candidate must be 17 years old or must be completed on or before 31 December of the year at the time of registration.

    4. What are the subjects covered in NEET?

    • Physics, Chemistry, Botany, and Zoology.

    5. Which languages are available for the NEET exam?

    • English, Hindu, Bengali, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Assamese, Marathi, Gujarati, Urdu and Odia.

    6. Who organizes NEET Examination?

    • National Testing Agency (NTA) organizes NEET every year. It is an independent, autonomous, and self-sustaining primary testing agency established by The Government of India’s Ministry of Education (MoE).

    7. What is the duration of the NEET Examination?

    • It is three (03) hours and 20 minutes.

    8. What if a candidate selects the wrong language medium for the exam?

    • When completing the Application Form, the medium of the Question Paper should be carefully selected. Once picked, the option cannot be changed.

    9. What is the mode of the NEET 2023 Examination?

    • NEET (UG) – 2023 is a pen-and-paper exam that must be completed on a specifically designed machine-gradable OMR sheet with a ballpoint pen given by the centre. Furthermore, tampering with the OMR at any level will result in the disqualification of the candidate for three years.

    10. Is Qualifying NEET ensuring a candidate’s admission?

    • Simply taking and passing NEET does not guarantee a candidate admission to Undergraduate Medical Courses. Seats in any Medical Institution recognised for offering Undergraduate Medical Courses are subject to fulfilling the admission criteria, eligibility, rank in the merit list, medical fitness, and such other criteria as may be prescribed by the Government of India, respective States, Universities, Institutions, and Medical/ Dental/ Ayurveda/ Siddha/ Unani/ Homeopathy Colleges.

    11. I was unable to qualify for NEET. Can I still access my NEET score?

    • The NEET 2023 results can be downloaded from the official website.

    12. What is the range of validation of the NEET result/scorecard?

    • The result/scorecard of NEET is valid for 3 years.

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