New Pattern and New Preparation Techniques for CBSE 2021-22
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    New Pattern and New Preparation Techniques for CBSE 2021-22

    Sep 18 2021 | by Author Pathfinder

    Yes! CBSE Class 12 Board exam is a life-changing point for every student, and the situation seems not very suitable for the batch of 2021-22.  With this ongoing Pandemic situation, online classes are difficult to conduct and now the icing on the cake is with the change in the exam pattern of CBSE 2021-22.

    CBSE board has decided and settled the exam in two parts keeping 50% weightage of the syllabus on each term. According to the board, it will imply less pressure on the students. However, the reaction to the whole situation is mixed. Some students are happy with the changed pattern and some are not very satisfied with the whole change and want the previous version of the exam back.
    So let’s look at this highly debatable CBSE exam pattern.

    • In Term 1 there is 50% of the syllabus, which can take place between November’21 and December’21. It will be MCQ-based (90 minutes).
    • In Term 2 there is 50% of the syllabus, which can take place between March’22 and April’22. And the Exam will be fully subjective (2 hours).

    Due to the unpredictable nature of Covid-19, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has come up with a new CBSE Assessment Plan & has implemented it. Every CBSE Class 12 student must have complete knowledge about the new changes. To score well in CBSE Result, students need to perform well in every exam (Internals, Term 1 & 2). (please refer to the official CBSE site to get more information)

    One can easily understand the panic state students are going through. Recently CBSE has directed schools to conduct pre-final exams for Term 1 to help students practice for the new pattern and released the official sample papers.

    CBSE Class 12 Exam Pattern 2021-2022: Term 1 & Term 2

    • CBSE Class 12 Sample Papers 2021-2022 for Term 1 & 2 along with CBSE question bank & other resources will be provided by the board.
    • Resources will be provided by the board before the exam.
    • Internal Assessment: Round the year-irrespective of Term 1, 2 would include end of topic or unit tests/exploratory activities/practical exams/projects.

    CBSE Class 12 Term 1 Exam 2021-2022:

    1. MCQ Based Question Paper (Prepared by CBSE):
    2. The Paper will have Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) including case-based MCQs & MCQs on the assertion-reasoning type.
    3. Duration of Test: 90 minutes
    4. Answers to be marked on OMR sheet (might be taken online if the situation gets worse)

    CBSE Class 12 Term 2 Exam 2021-2022:

    1. Subjective Paper: The paper will be of 2 hours duration & have questions of different formats (case-based/ situation based, open-ended – short answer/long answer type).
    1. Duration of Test: 2 hours
    1. In case if the situation is not good, then, instead of a normal descriptive exam, 90-minute MCQ-based exam will be conducted at the end of Term 2 also.

    However, to score good marks in the 1st Term one should follow a strategic plan, as the pattern is new. So Pathfinder Educational Institute brings some tips and tricks to score good marks in CBSE 2021-22 Board exam.

    Strategy for MCQ pattern exam

    MCQ exams test your understanding of a broad range of material, usually broader than essay-style questions. You are expected to not only know basic definitions, but also intricate details of your subject. You are less likely to “bluff” in an MCQ, as answers are defined as either right or wrong.

    Answers other than the right answer(s) are designed to distract you from the correct solution. This means that all of the answers may sound very similar and the difference between right and wrong might be tiny.

    Depending on your subject, you might have to answer questions based on provided material like tables or graphs. Make sure that you understand the provided materials before you answer any connected questions.

    Common Misbelief students have about MCQ based Exam:-

    • Students expect that they need to learn less for MCQs as the right answer is guaranteed to be present. That might be the case, but if you don’t know the right answer, that isn’t going to help you.
    • Wrong, MCQs are well-designed to also ask for very in-depth knowledge from a broad range of subject material. It is the same amount of work for your lecturer to ask for a basic definition as it is to ask for intricate details.

    How to Prepare better for CBSE term 1:-

    1. Create a Study Schedule:- Establish a study schedule at least two weeks before your test day. Using this schedule, you can determine exactly when you have a few extra hours available, then make the most of that study time, rather than cramping minutes before the exam. To study for a multiple-choice exam, it’s best to start several weeks in advance, studying in short bursts until test day.
    2. Organize your Chapter Notes:- Your teacher has probably already given you much of the test content in your notes, quizzes, and former assignments. So, go back through the material. Rewrite your notes or type them up so they’re legible. Find the answers to incorrect quiz questions or problems you missed on your assignments. Organize everything so it’s ready to be studied.
    3. Remember the Key Points:- Start by rereading or rewriting your notes over and over again. Refresh the information in your head as many times as you can. You can read aloud to yourself or rewrite your notes in your own words. Go slow and don’t rush through it—skimming will only waste precious study time. Jot the important points in another copy for your ease.
    4. Creating Flashcards:- Flashcards are good to learn definitions from your modules. MCQs are particularly well suited to test your knowledge for definitions and other “only one right answer” types of knowledge. Be aware sometimes MCQ answers only differ in tiny aspects, so be precise in your learning!
    5. Quiz yourself by writing your multiple-choice questions:- Create your questions about the material, focusing on key dates, names, places, and ideas. Once you have 10 to 20 questions, set them aside and test yourself, later on, to see what you remember and what you need to focus more on. It can be hard to come up with questions, so base them around the “who, what, when, where, and why” of the material.

    Answering MCQ exam questions

    • Have a well-versed knowledge of the rules
    • Be Precise
    • Read the entire question carefully
    • Don’t forget to recheck
    • If you couldn’t find the right answer then rephrase the question, use reasoning to eliminate the wrong answers, use grammatical or other language clues.
    • Above all else KEEP GOING!

    Studying for the multiple-choice questions is a skill that you can learn, hone, and perfect. These steps for studying for CBSE 1st term multiple-choice exam will improve your chances of getting the grade you want.

    And lastly, you can always enroll in Pathfinder’s Classroom Program so that you get a proper guide through studies and exams, with their top-notch faculty members, scientifically developed study material. And alternately you can opt for Pathfinder’s Non-Classroom Program where you can challenge your skills by giving tests and get aware of your mistakes.

    With the latest exam pattern, and study material Pathfinder can be one of the best options a CBSE Board student can go for.

    So Best wishes from us. Study Hard, Study Smart.

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